गाविस सचिवलाई अपहरण गरी ज्यान मार्ने धम्की दिने अपहरणकारीलाई कास्की प्रहरीले पक्राउ गरेको छ।
गाविस सचिवलाई अपहरण गरी ज्यान मार्ने धम्की दिने अपहरणकारीलाई कास्की प्रहरीले पक्राउ गरेको छ।
The Police success to arrest two people who are involved in abduction of 45 years old Thaneshwar Dhungana, VDC Secretery of Lamichaur Kaski. After abduction they asked big amount of money from Thaneshwar Dhungana. During investigation Police had arrested Dhakaram Adhikari of Hemja-6 and Asmin Surekhale of Birgunj. Police accused various criminal involvement of arrested people.
Bijay Nepal (DCnepal Reporter)
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