Crime Patrol is the program which is the popular show of Sony Channel, which has projected so many crimes, happened in India. In this case, there are so many crimes which have happened in the world and in such cases, such programs helped to advocate for the justice to the victims and also make the legal procedures aware about the need for being strong enough to punish the culprits. Thus the program has shown how the crimes can be diminished in the rate as such criminal acts are dramatically presented in the program with the various roles played by the artists. Crime Patrol, in the present episode, has presented the episode entitled as, “Principal Sexually Assaults a Teacher” and it is episode number 117. In the initial part of the program, a teacher Mahima is shown and she talks about her 1 month leave so that she can spend some time with her daughter and husband. She was a teacher of Rajasthan Public School. And thus she meets with the Principal of the school, P.S. Chaudhary. But the major problem is caused when the Principal revealed that if she wants a leave then she has to take care of the Principal. Tensed Mahima shares these issues with other teachers in staff room. Principal misbehaved with Mahima and so she filed a complaint and all teachers agree to reveal Principal’s truth. She was assisted by her husband as he is an English teacher in Mangat Ram English School and teachers. She addressed this issue in Media. Mahima knew that all of the staffs are also tortured with the behaviors of the Principal. Husband of Mahima suggested her for forgetting the leave application. So she started to be quiet for the sexual harassment in the school. But Mahima was again harassed by the same principal in the school and this time she could not tolerate the way Principal behaved to her.
Principal Sexually Assaults A Teacher -